APK Extractor will extracts/share/backup APK of all application which is installed in your device and also show the list of all apk that were saved in your sd-card
★★ New Widget Feature to operate any App without open this Application.
★★ Fast and easy to use.
★★ Extracts/Share all application.
★★ By Default Apk's will be saved in /sdcard/Apk Extractor/.
★★ Provided Search option to search applications.
★★ Compatible with version of Android 4.0 and higher
★★ Can extract/share multiple/all APK's by click on app icon
★★ No ROOT access required.
APK Extractor akan ekstrak / share / sandaran APK bagi semua aplikasi yang dipasang dalam peranti anda dan juga memaparkan senarai semua apk yang disimpan dalam sd-kad anda
★★ New Widget Ciri-ciri untuk mengendalikan apa-apa App tanpa dibuka Permohonan ini.
★★ cepat dan mudah untuk digunakan.
★★ Extracts / Share semua permohonan.
★★ By Default Apk ini akan disimpan dalam / sdcard / Apk Extractor /.
★★ Jika opsyen Cari untuk mencari aplikasi.
★★ Sesuai dengan versi Android 4.0 dan lebih tinggi
★★ dapat mengekstrak / kongsi beberapa / semua APK dengan klik pada ikon aplikasi
★★ Tiada akses ROOT diperlukan.
APK Extractor will extracts/share/backup APK of all application which is installed in your device and also show the list of all apk that were saved in your sd-card
★★ New Widget Feature to operate any App without open this Application.
★★ Fast and easy to use.
★★ Extracts/Share all application.
★★ By Default Apk's will be saved in /sdcard/Apk Extractor/.
★★ Provided Search option to search applications.
★★ Compatible with version of Android 4.0 and higher
★★ Can extract/share multiple/all APK's by click on app icon
★★ No ROOT access required.